Sunday 19 September 2010

L'Oreal HIP Event

Yesterday, L'Oreal held an event for beauty bloggers at Heirloom and Caramel in Shaw Tower to preview the HIP line which will be launched in Singapore in October.

Not being familiar with Shaw Towers (although as an awkward teenager, I watched movies there occasionally by myself), I walked around for a bit before I found Heirloom and Caramel, which is actually a cafe-cum-hair salon.

Decorated in a whimsical eclectic style, the cafe serves Western fare like pastas and sandwiches, although it seems to have quite a fair amount of vintage Chinese style dishes and cups.

I was seated with Amy (Purplio) and Shirleen of Women Love Beauty.

See why I don't smile widely in my FOTD pics? 'Cos that makes my eye bags pop up! But I'm too chicken s*** to seek surgical treatment for them like Shirleen who got hers done by Dr Woffles Wu earlier this year, which you can read about here.

Joyce of Atelier Beauty (in the red top) was also at our table.

Singapore is the first country in Asia to get the HIP line, which was created by makeup artist James Kaliardos and his muse Linda Evangelista, one of the original supermodels. The HIP (which stands for High Intensity Pigments) line specialises in bold vibrant hues for ladies who like to be more creative and fun with their makeup.

For now, L'Oreal is introducing only eight Bright Shadow Duos (S$18.90) and four Color Chrome Eyeliners (S$17.90) in Singapore for a limited time, just in time for the year end party season. Depending on the market response, they may decide to bring in more of the line. The Eyeliners come in four metallic shades: Black Shock, Silver Lightning, Gold Charge and Violet Volt. These felt quite soft to touch and glide on very smoothly with an intense finish. The eyeliners are made in Germany.

The party started with a makeup demo showing two different looks on the model.

After that, there was a short contest for the bloggers to create their own makeup looks either on the face charts or on themselves. Most chose the face charts, which were not the easiest to do with sponge-tip applicators.

After that, we decorated cupcakes while waiting for lunch to be served. Seems like cupcake decoration is becoming a popular feature of beauty product events although personally, I could do without them! Mine's the middle one in the bottom row.

With Chantana (Everbluec)

Sara (Icyabstract) and Kas (Shine, Shimmer & Sparkle)

I love Verlyn's (Luvverlyn Color Playground) chic new hairstyle! Also got to meet some other bloggers for the first time, like Evonne ( *waves!*.

Each of us received a pouch filled with four Shadow Duos, two Color Chrome Eyeliners and a BaseMagique Transforming Smoothing Primer that will also be launched in October. I'll review these in greater detail after I've tried them out.

Thanks for reading!


  1. You must have arrived really early to get many shots of the cafe. I had no idea you were taking shots particularly during the 'makeup' session.

    Everyone has that eye bag problem showing up in photography; I lament about it all the time haha!

  2. You look good when you smile! Don't worry about the eye bags! I like to think that the "bigger" they are, it means the more you smile, cause i have them too :)

  3. Hey Iris!

    I'm the girl in the white cropped top sitting at the front. I had to rush off after the event so I didn't go over to say hi. I was a tad shy too. Heh. Anyway, it was awesome seeing you since I have been following your blog for a really long while! (:

  4. Hi Charlene,
    Oh, I remember you! Hope to have the chance to meet you sometime :-)

    Hey Joyce,
    I was the first to arrive despite being caught in a horrible jam. Only the L'Oreal people were there setting up the place so I just occupied myself taking photos.

    hi Lynn,
    Thanks! I don't mind them normally except when looking at photos of myself and seeing them.

  5. We've had the HiP line for a few years in Canada but just recently got the chrome eyeliners - I was dying to try them, but they are about 15$ CAD - almost the same price as an UD liner - so I've passed for now.

    I love seeing your smile! I think everyone's bags show up when they smile though :)

  6. Thanks for sharing this! will chk out the HIP range when its here.

  7. Ooh, how cool to have a Loreal HIP event! :p I have a few of the eye shadows and have yet to try the chrome liners. I will pick them up the next time I stop at a drugstore :) The blogger event looked so fun :) The eyeshadows are so vibrant :)

  8. Finally, we they've brought it in! Thanks for the headsup!

  9. hi, i don't think those are eyebags, if you're actually referring to the 'pop-out bags' which is right under your eyes when smiles.. i'm not sure of its name, but it was somehow due to our face muscles.. it's quite popular in japan and esp korea to have this.. it'll make the eyes look bigger and enhancing your eye smiles.. eyebags are much lower and will shown as a triangular shape and puffy even when not smiling..

  10. Hi Iris

    thank you for sharing with us detAils of this event. This cafe is set up by hair stylist Calvin Gan and his partner. I used to go there for hair cut till time runs short now that I'm a working mum. :)

    I have seen HIP es at the online stores but hesitate to try them. Please review them and let us know if it's worth our $. :)

    On a side note, I managed to get UD naked palette yesterday. Goosh, it's not easy for a pregnant woman to walk from lucky plaza to takashimaya then to Ion and then finally back Tanglin Shopping Centre for my gynae checkup. But I'm glad I did bc for someone who loves brown and neutral colored makeup, this is really for me. This is also my first time trying their 24/7 eyeliner, pretty good I must say. :))

    Have a great week ahead! :))

  11. Hey AhCapp,
    That was one long trek. Don't over-tire yourself and do keep well-hydrated, ok?

    Glad to hear that you managed to get the Naked palette! I love the UD 24/7 Glide-on Pencils but sharpening them is a bit troublesome, unlike liquid liners.

  12. GGGGGrrreat! L'oreal r finally bringing in the HIP line! i kept seeing the makeup artists in Project Runway use them on the models and was thinking to myself how come Singapore doesn't bring them in???

    Great!! now we have more alternatives (besides MAC and Shu uemura) when it comes to buying super bright colors!!!! ^___^

  13. hi Iris, thanks for emailing me the photos we took. it was great seeing you at the event, & i love your floral dress (: you look beautiful when you smile, so keep smiling !

    i'm looking forward to your LOTDs with these very HIP products (:

  14. Good to hear that L'Oreal HIP range is coming to Singapore. I saw them aplenty in the US recently but didn't get any. Did too much shopping already.

    And they are really so generous with their goodies for bloggers!

  15. Hello!! : D *waves* Nice to meet you in person *gushes* I love your many reviews!! <3

    I also have horrible eyebags D : Maybe I should check woffles out too!
