Wednesday 29 September 2010

Miss x Coach and Oggi x Kate Spade

A bumper crop of Japanese magazines with interesting freebies landed at Kinokuniya this afternoon! Quite a few were by brands that rarely do these magazine collaborations so I hauled much more than usual.

I picked up:

1. With: Samantha Thavasa x Hello Kitty x Liberty card case (S$19.30)

2. Oggi: Kate Spade book cover (S$19.90)

3. Miss: Coach scarf (S$21.90)

4. More: Paul & Joe Sister bag set (S$19.30)

5. 25ans: Christian Louboutin tote bag (S$27.50)

There were plenty of copies of More. I got the last remaining copy of With. There were extremely limited copies of Miss (less than 20?), which was released at 2pm and sold out pretty much immediately. I arrived at about 1.40pm and was at the head of the queue with Mag. Most of the customers in the queue bought 2 copies each of Miss. 25ans and Oggi were also available in fairly limited quantities but these were placed on the shelves before 2pm, unlike Miss which was held behind the counter.

To be honest, I've never even noticed Miss magazine before this issue. The Coach "scarf" is actually called a "furoshiki", which is the name for the cloth that is used to wrap bento boxes in Japan. This was a special collaboration item to commemorate Miss' 22nd anniversary.

The furoshiki is made of polyester and measures 70x70cm. It is quite well-made and not flimsy. It is printed on only one side.

There are actually two designs for the furoshiki but the design included in each copy is not stated, so it's really a matter of luck which design you get. Of the two copies that I got (one was for a friend), both were the blue and purple print.

Some ways of using the furoshiki.

I don't know if Kinokuniya will re-stock Miss, so if you are interested in it, please check with Kinokuniya directly.

My favourite of the lot that I bought today is this cheerful red and pink striped Kate Spade book cover. I actually have a Kate Spade bag with this print.

It fits a standard small Japanese novel.

The exterior feels sleek and smooth, like it's been varnished, while the interior (the non-striped part) is a normal cotton texture. The material is 100% cotton.

The quality feels very good and it has neat stitching and clean edges.

I'll post the pics of the other magazines in a separate post.


  1. Omg, shld be sold out soon ;(

    miss and oggi only sold at NAC outlet??

    I so want to rush dwn and buy the last few copies left

    thank you for the info!!!!

  2. Cool! I'll keep an eye out when for Miss at Sydney's Kinokuniya!

  3. Hi Carman,
    I think it's best to call the three Kino stored to check if they still have stocks of Miss and Oggi. I'm pretty sure Miss has sold out at the NAC store but I don't know if the Bugis and Liang Ct stores still have it.

  4. Hey Haru,

    Would you be so kind to share, with your increasing collection of magazines, how do you find a space to keep them neatly stored?

    I know we can store them in bookshelves or wherever that we see fit, but my love for Japanese magazines and hence the continuous buying of thick mags are taking a toll on my bookcase. Firstly, I am running out of space to store them and I can't bear to throw most of them away. Secondly, the weight of the "magazine bookcase" to store my mags looks like it can't withstand the weight anymore! And hence, I am now trying to control myself from buying more magazines home. :(

  5. hi haru,

    do you know if the kate spade book cover can fit normal books, such as "shopaholic series" which i am currently addicted to?

    thanks :)

  6. Hi,
    I give away the older issues of my magazines after I've had them for awhile and only keep the ones I really like. For example, I keep all my issues of Allure. For Japanese mags, I give away most of them after a few months. At home, I keep them stacked on a bay window seat that's right next to my bed.

    For the Kate Spade book cover, I don't know if it can fit English novels as the Japanese book size tends to be smaller than the average English book size. Will try and see.

  7. hi,
    I checked my Shopaholic novel against the Kate Spade bookcover and the novel is too big to fit inside the Kate Spade bookcover.

  8. thanks haru! :)

    it's a pity as i am a fan of kate spade.
