Tuesday 14 September 2010

Tokidoki New Collection at Sephora

The Tokidoki blog has posted sneak peeks of their new products coming to Sephora! I want the palette on the right side below just for the Mozzarella figurine.

I don't use a hairdryer but still, I want these travel hairdryers!

Recently, someone asked on the Sephora Singapore Facebook page if they would be bringing in Tokidoki and the answer was "we're very hopeful". So here's hoping that we will see it soon on our shores. Do check out the Tokidoki blog for pics of more products!


  1. The hair dryer is really cute! I wonder if it'll be released here in Hawaii. I've been waiting for the brushes to be released but haven't seen them yet, although I haven't looked recently.

    Thanks for doing these sneak peek reviews. It's not great for my wallet but I love seeing what's going to be released and can anticipate the timing of getting something especially if it's a LE item.

    Thanks for your sweet comment too. I know that for the Lancome La Rose Deco blush, it was 6000 yen or so on your sneak peak post. Yeah, it's quite expensive. Not sure what it was in Singapore, if you could get it but pricing here in U.S. is $40.00. Way cheaper than Japan's pricing. I have another one on hold (I reserved it at 2 different places). If you're interested, I can see if I can pick one up for you.


  2. Hi Kat,

    Thansk for the kind offer! We do have the Rose Deco in Singapore where it costs abot US$40 too but the shades don't look that nice on me. Plus I need to save up for all the stuff I want from Tokidoki ;p

  3. The hairdryers look so crazy!

  4. The Mozza palette kind of looks like Guerlain's summer palette from two summers ago? I desperately hope these palettes are less bulky - then I might actually pick one up!

    The pink hair dryer is definitely on my list, along with the brush set and one of the new bags :D
