Saturday 23 October 2010

London Trip Photos Part 1

It has been eight long years since my last trip to London. On a recent trip there, I found that it hasn't really changed that much except for some new shops here and there. The grandeur of the buildings still never fails to impress. The weather was bracingly chilly and mostly overcast but thankfully there were no dreary drizzles.

This was a work trip so I don't have very good photos. Most of these pics were snapped while on the go, often in a bus. Previously, I usually got around by the London Underground but this time around, I relied on buses and cabs which turned out to be faster and more convenient. I stayed near Waterloo and got my first good views of the Parliament House and Big Ben from the other side of the Thames.

A blurry view through the bus window. That's the London Eye on the right side.

Oxford Street where the grand old dame of British department stores, Selfridges, is located.

The Knightsbridge area.

The green relief of Hyde Park.

Marble Arch.

Trafalgar Square

Love the grand majestic lions at the base of Nelson's Column.

National Portrait Gallery

Piccadilly Circus


  1. Hi Iris,

    Thank you for sharing pics of London. =) It looks like London didn't change much. The last time I went there was like.. hmm.. 11years ago? ;P

    The new shops you show look interesting. I like Oasis too. I used to shop there ONLY when they had sales ;) I was a poor student afterall. hahahaah.

    Btw, welcome home! Too bad our weather is quite hazy; not much better than the chilly greyish skies of London I guess. =P

  2. Nice~ Hope I will go to London one day! I will definitely want to got the The Globe.
