Tuesday 19 October 2010

Shiseido Tsubaki at Watsons

Shiseido Tsubaki haircare is now available at Watsons. It's not cheap though. The "Shining" range in the red packaging costs S$8.90 for the shampoo and conditoner in 220ml, S$17.90 for the 550ml shampoo and conditioner, and S$19.90 for the hair mask.

The "Damage Care" range in the white packaging costs S$9.90 for the small shampoo and conditioner, S$19.90 for the large shampoo and conditioner, and S$21.90 for the hair mask. I've used both ranges before with good results. The gold "Head Spa" range is not available.


  1. Any sign of the Tsubaki Water spray that you posted earlier about? I really want to try this new product. Maybe it's not out yet?

  2. Hi Haru, this is great news! Hope Watsons brings in the head spa range soon. Bought a bottle of the shampoo in HK and really like it. :)

  3. Nope, Watsons only has the shampoos, conditioners and hair masks from the red and white ranges.

  4. Hi Haru, do you know what type of hair is the 'head spa' range for?

  5. Does it mean Malaysia will soon be getting Tsubaki too? Tee hee! It's about time!

    i hope the prices aren't jacked up too horribly, and I sure am hoping they bring in the Head Spa range!

  6. I think I purchased the 550ml refill + 1 550ml bottle at Ocean Cosmetics (Chinatown) for abt SGD$21 or $24. But the Watson's prices seem lower than what I remember seeing at Nishino Pharmacy at Isetan - think it was $28 there. I like the red range!

  7. Just found out your blog via a friend. Love your post a lot~Beautiful beautiful beautiful~~:)

  8. It'd be much cheaper if you buy from those neighbourhood toiletries shop or in chinatown. I think it cost less than $10 for the 550ml shampoo. :)

  9. hi Karen,
    The Head Spa line is formulated for ladies who want "extra cleansing", rather than a specific hair type.

  10. Hi Haru, which watson did u spot this? available throughout SG?

  11. I saw the display at the Watsons in Ion. It should be available at most Watsons.

  12. Long over due... I always have to trouble my friends travelling to hkg & Taiwan to lug these tsubakis back for me. Now I could haul it at Watson... great! One word of caution to those who purchased theirs from neighbourhood shops. I once bought from such shops and I felt that the tsubaki smelt funny, color is not right, texture is diluted. I also noticed excessive hair fall which I don't encounter w those real stuff from overseas.


  13. Hello!

    After reading your blog post, I went down to Watsons immediately and lugged these babies back! Though I must admit that it was a slightly tough decision to shell out S$60 for all 3 full-sized items T_T

    The Essentials range I used previously made my hair feel plasticky, like if I combed my hair and there's a tangle, my hair strand will literally stretch and 'piak'! Terrible :(

    Can I just ask, is the price different by alot when compared to Tsubakis in HK/TW? If yes, then I will make sure to lug some back >_>

    Thank you Haru, I loved reading your blog posts! Off to check out the counters now!

  14. hi Jolyn,
    Sorry, I don't know the price of Tsubaki haircare in Hong Kong and Taiwan though my guess is that it's probably cheaper in Hong Kong and Taiwan (but whether the price difference is worth lugging them back is up to you to decide). The Essentials range actually works well for me, especially their conditioner. Currently, I'm using another Japanese brand called Sala which is not sold in Singapore but it's also quite good, especially the shampoo which leaves my hair soft and untangled even without using conditioner.

  15. Hello Haru~

    I'm happy that the Essentials worked out for you, but perhaps my hair was too damaged to begin with in the first place. I didn't even use the conditioner much, just dug out a dollop of their hair treatment mask as the conditioner alone wasn't even to detangle my hair :(

    Anyhow, I did a haul from Benefit, I did a walk through Tangs but no holiday counters out yet :( lemming for the P&J ones ^_^

    Have a great day!
