Saturday 20 November 2010

New York Trip Photos Part 3

Just some more random shots from my New York City trip. Think this was taken near Grand Central Station.

Stopped by Pret-a-Manger for a quick breakfast.

Love the colourful flower baskets decorating the lamp posts, which reminds me very much of the UK.

More pretty blooms!


  1. I know I should not be looking at your blog and be studying instead BUT the flowers are soooooo beautiful!!!

  2. Looks like you had fun travelling in New York! Did you have time to catch any Broadway Musicals? Wicked is Fantastic!

  3. Hey Kas,
    I loved the riot of colours at all the flower shops (and there were so many!) If I lived in New York, I'd definitely be tempted to buy flower often.

    hi Lynn,
    I had a great time walking around the city. I hate taking the subway so I usually just walk. I didn't catch any musicals or plays as I preferred to explore the shops :-)
