Thursday 16 December 2010

Est Spring 2011

The Est website has been updated with the Spring 2011 makeup collection which will be released on 1 January in Japan.

The collection includes two Dual Emotion Eyes (5775yen), four Advanced Lips (3360yen) and two Nail Colours (2100yen). All the items are limited edition.


  1. I don't know why some exclusively Asian brands (from Asia, only found in Asian countries) use Caucasian models only.

  2. Is it just me? I find Est eye palettes very pretty but very similar in colour combi and finishing with Lunasol's palettes from their last few seasons.

  3. hi Hannah,
    The Est palettes do have some similar combinations but I think Lunasol has a wider variety of eyeshadow textures (some are more powdery/glittery/pigmented) whereas Est eyeshadows are usually a uniform silky smooth texture with a subtle glimmer.

  4. These colors look really dull...
