Friday 31 December 2010

The last thing I did in 2010

Just handed my mother a cheque for the final payment on our apartment. With that, it feels truly good to head into 2011 completely debt-free. Becoming a homeowner is one of those major steps in life that makes one feel like one is well and truly an adult. My blog probably gives some people the impression that I'm a profligate shopaholic but actually I have always saved a significant portion of my income. And yes, even my mother was surprised that I actually have managed to save so much! It feels amazing to finally accomplish this after ten years of working.

Speaking of which, I'm always slightly puzzled when people ask how I can afford to shop so much. I would have thought that the answer was obvious: I work for it! No silver spoons, no sugar daddies/rich husbands, no fancy investments. I just worked and saved. What I've accomplished though is nothing compared to my mother. My father left us before I was even one year old and she raised my brother and me single-handedly through sheer grit and determination by working as a facialist and a hairdresser. She didn't have a rich family and she left school at 16 to support her family. At one point, we were so poor that we had all of 60 cents in the house! If you saw her on the street, she would probably just look like any humble old lady to you but to me, she's still the most inspiring person in my life.

View from my bedroom window with the port lights in the distance.


  1. Inspiring! (:
    Its great that you can save and shop for things that you want! Hope I can do the same too >.<

  2. Hey Haru,

    I salute you and your mom. =) Both of you are amazing ladies!

    Hope your 2011 will be a blast as well! Good luck! & God bless! =D Let's cheer to a better future!

  3. Hi Iris, happy new year! it's a good feeling to be debt free (especially in Singapore)! It's an even better feeling to earn what you spend! I totally agree on that too!

  4. Happy New Year!

  5. You and your mother sound like very lovely ladies! Props to your mother! Perseverance is a wonderful and awe inspiring thing.

    I wish to one day also have the means to make a nice savings, so congrats on that!

    Have a lovely New Year Iris! I love reading your blog! Even though I'm from the U.S, your blog is always a joy to read ^_^

  6. Happy new year Iris! :))

    I think your mum is amazing! But I think she has raised you and your brother well, considering what both of you have achieved. :)

    Wishing you and your whole family good health and lots of
    good things to look forward to in 2011! :)))

  7. Happy New Year!!!

    My family used to be poor too, with so many mouths to feed and loansharks hounding us almost all the time, living in fear of being burnt or hacked to death...

    I'm glad to be given the chance to be educated and hence a chance to get a job.

    HDB flats cost quite a lot nowadays and I think we need 30 years to clear the loans! Congrats for being debt-free!

  8. Dear Haru,

    I accidentally came across your lovely blog while googling for information about JILL STUART 3 years ago, and became you loyalty follower ever since. Thank you very very much for this insightful and friendly blog.

    Wishing you a very happy new year with good health and wealth throughout the year!!

  9. congratulations Iris! :) It's always good to feel the success hardwork and determination gives you.

  10. Congrats for being debt free for your housing! I think u end the year in style!

    B :)

  11. Hi Iris,
    happy 2011! it's really a satisfaction to clear off the house loan and a great 2011 present for yourself! It seems to me you dont overspend and your only main indulgence is makeup which I think is perfectly fine for you to pamper yourself! :) Better and greater years are ahead! Wishing you and your family good health and happiness :)

  12. You are a great inspiration! I wish you a Happy New Year from a white snowy Sweden!

  13. We all went through hard times. Being your blog reader cum supporter, am so happy for you too! Congrats on being debt free n Happy New Year!
    Look forward to 2011 as it will be a great year for ya ^^

  14. Hey Iris, I've been following your blog regularly, and I truly love your posts. Very inspiring! Just wanted to say Happy New Year, and wish you a rewarding 2011!

  15. I actually thought it was rahter obvious that you work to buy the stuff you do. After all it's not as if you really spend alot. Nice to see that you enjoy your life while working hard! I gotta do that too :)

    Happy new year!

  16. Happy for you iris! Your humble, silent, long-time friend from cozycot time, mei....

  17. a v inspiring post. all the best in 2011.

  18. You're so cool,it's really rare for people to be debt free in this modern society.Enjoy the balance of your life and happy new year!!


  19. You have a wonderful mum. Treasure her while you can. My mum passed away 3 months ago suffering from cancer too. Unlike yours, she was a housewife almost all her life and prefers a quiet and mundane lifestyle. Despite all her imperfections, she is still my mum and I do miss her. I was rummaging thru' her belongings over the weekend and spotted a cardigan she bought for herself. I decided to wear it to work today although the design and cut is boring and traditional. It actually fits me!

    NB: I always had problems logging into my goggle account thus I leave my name as anon.

  20. Thanks for sharing your life story with us :)

    I wish I can save like you.

  21. I found your blog through the Lotus Palace blog,and I just wanted to salute your family:)

    What an inspirational post,thank you for sharing!

    Wishing you all a successful and happy 2011 all the way from snowy Sweden,

  22. Congratulations. I do admire you for being able to save diligently. :)

    And your mum? An incredible woman...look how well you were raised! ;)

  23. :) That's a very good start for the new year!

    Happy New Year to you !

  24. Dear Haru, I've just recently came around your blog, but enjoying it enourmously! Thanks a lot for it. And my huge respect to your determination and to your great mom that rised a lovely and smart daughter. I wish you both (and whoever else is important in your life) all the possible happiness, luck and good health!

    Sincerely, Anna
