Sunday 27 February 2011

Anna Sui 15th Happy Anniversary in Japan Mook

The latest Anna Sui mook celebrates the 15th anniversary of the label's debut in Japan. It includes a large tote bag measuring 40x29x12cm and a bronze metal butterfly charm.

The bag is made of polyester and has a slight sheen. On the whole, the bag is quite well-made and I liked the black/purple/bronze combination as well as the stitched Anna Sui logo.

The large butterflies and roses on the bag have a sprinkling of silver glitter.

The top of the bag has a drawstring inner apron that can be used to close up the bag. The bag is very roomy and can fit a few A4 size magazines.

The 83-page mook offers an in-depth look into the designer's clothing, accessories and beauty lines. The designer also provides a rare tour of her home.

Anna Sui accessories that will be available at Isetan Shinjuku's Anna Sui fair from 27 April to 3 May. I'm seriously lemming the Bear Brick (1575yen)!

I also love these wallets (12600yen) which have a romantic Baroque feel.

Anna Tsuchiya modelling the spring fashion collection.

Anna Sui kimonos and fans.


  1. this is real nice! If I manage to pop by Kino, I hope to find it! :D

  2. Hi again!
    I'm lemming for the book itself, not just the bag - I like Anna Tsuchiya after hearing her do the Nana anime songs a couple of years ago, and the pictures look so pretty! I should check your blog more often, my friend just came back from japan, I should have asked him to pick this mag up for me...

  3. That is a really nice bag that came with the mook!


  4. Hey Haru!

    I received mine yesterday. I teared the book out of the "shell", like, the box containing the tote was attached to the mook. Was it a mistake, because it was reallllly hard to remove? Did you keep yours the way it came?

    Thanks :)

    Editor of Rock On! Anna Sui

  5. hi Marie Eve,
    That's totally correct. You should be able to peel off any remnants of the outer cover from the spine of the inner magazine. I've already thrown away the outer cover! That's usually the first thing I do after photographing it as they are always so darn bulky.

  6. Aah, phew! Thanks for reassuring me :) I appreciate your fast answer ♥

  7. Hi , Can i still get it in Spore? Have phoned kino but they said out of stock, and the new edition (Dolly Girl)is coming out soon.

  8. Hi give,
    Kinokunya is the only bookstore that brings in these Japanese mooks so if they don't have it, then I don't know of any other stores that would have it.

  9. i love the bag,my sister give it to me....its nice and beautiful..
