Friday 11 February 2011

Operation Use It Up!

Managed to used up another batch of skincare products this month! It feels good to send these off to the recycling bin.

1. Body Shop Shea Shower Cream: I started using this when my skin was feeling very parched and flaky, and it worked pretty well although I still needed to apply a body moisturiser afterwards. The scent was quite ordinary and not that appealing to me so I doubt I will re-purchase it.

2. Body Shop Banana Shampoo: The yummy sweet banana scent was my favourite thing about this shampoo, which was a classic favourite that was brought back last year as part of the Body Shop's Originals collection. It's not as moisturising as Tsubaki shampoo, but at least it didn't leave my hair tangled.

3. Body Shop Banana Conditioner: Again, I love the scent but it's not as good as Japanese brands like Tsubaki and Asience in terms of moisturising power.

4. Cleansing Express Eye Makeup Remover: Very affordable and melts off virtually all my eyeshadows with just one light swipe. It can also remove most mascaras although the more stubborn waterproof ones require a bit more soaking against the cotton pad. This is already the second bottle that I've used up!

5. Kate Somerville Clearing Mask: This contains kaolin clay to absorb oil and impurities, plus phytic acid to lighten post-acne scars. Sadly, I didn't notice any significant results after using this mask.

6. Cosme Decorte AQ Clear Solution: This "Clarifying and Softening Fluid" works quite well as a toner after cleansing to refresh skin without any trace of stickiness. But when I'm in a dryer climate, following up with a separate moisturiser is a must.

7. Shu Uemura White Recovery EX+ Brightening Cleansing Oil: This melts off all makeup effectively, including the most stubborn waterproof mascaras, but it tends to leave my eyes feeling irritated and dry so I try not to use it to remove eye makeup unless necessary.

8. Clarins White Plus HP Intensive Whitening Smoothing Serum: This was a free sample that I picked up recently. I liked the light texture which absorbed readily and didn't make my skin oily. However, I didn't use it long enough to judge if it is actually effective at brightening up my skin tone.

9. RMK Face Protector SPF31: This was another deluxe sample received as part of a GWP. I love the light non-greasy texture which feels cooling upon application and absorbs almost instantly.

10. Urban Decay Clean & Sober: This is the second of two bottles that I received as GWPs at Sephora last year. I wouldn't purchase it as it stings my eyes and I don't think it cleanses as effectively as Shu Uemura cleansing oil or Cleansing Express Cleansing Lotion.


  1. Hi! I'm looking for a good whitening product. How was the rmk face protector? Any good? I feel ever since I used clinique moisturizer, it has darken my face and even after I stopped using it and changed to others for so long, my face is still significantly 1-2 tone darker than my neck. Haiz.

  2. The RMK Sun Protector works well as a sunblock but it is not a whitening skincare product. Aside from using a sunblock, you should also use a whitening serum regularly.

  3. Hi thanks for the quick reply. I find that there are not many whitening products for oily skin so most of them feels greasy esp with essence+moisturizer+sunblock on my skin or it will end up greasy anyways. I'm afraid of using too many products on my face. what is your face routine like? Do u use many products? Can u do a post on it?

  4. hi,
    I usually use a maximum of two skincare products at a time, so that my skin does not get overloaded. In the morning, after cleansing, I use a toner and sometimes I apply either a moisturiser or whitening essence before applying my foundation. If I use a primer before foundation, I will skip the moisturiser. At night, after cleansing, I use a toner and either a whitening essence or moisturiser. Frequently, I will use only a toner or lotion and skip the moisturiser/serum/essence.

  5. Hello Haru...Cleansing Express vs L'oreal Gentle Lip & Eye M/U Remover - which is your winner? I have yet to try Cleansing Express, maybe going to try :) thank..

  6. hi,
    Of the two, I think Cleansing Express works better in removing waterproof mascara. Do give it a try if you can!

  7. Yay! Congrats on using these products up!

  8. Wow, you had a lot of used up products. Yay for you! I also just finished up The Body Shop's Shea Shower Cream. I really didn't like the scent at all! Will definitely not be repurchasing it. I'm soooo glad that I finally finished it.


  9. Iris, does the RMK face protector get absorbed easily? Does it leave a greasy film on your skin?

    I've tried several sunscreens meant for oily skin but they all left a greasy film on my skin no matter how long I left them on.

  10. hi,
    The RMK Face Protector absorbs well without leaving an oily film on my skin. My T-zone will still get oily after 1-2 hours, but that happens no matter what skincare or makeup product I use.
