Friday 4 March 2011

Kate Eyeline Fixer

Kate comes to the aid of ladies with single eyelids with its new Eyeline Fixer (1050yen). This works basically like the famous Mezaik eyelid glue. The liquid dries to a transparent finish to help create a double eyelid effect, which makes the eyes look bigger. Kate discovered through its research that eyelid glue is actually also commonly used by ladies with double eyelids, to help create a more prominent crease.

The first step is to select the position at which you wish to create the double lid effect by using the included tool, which has markings for 5mm, 7mm and 9mm. Next, apply the Eyeline Fixer and then use the two-pronged end to press it in.

The Eyeline Fixer will be launched on 1 May in Japan, together with a new Lash Up Clear Base (1260yen) and Frame Impact Marker (1155yen).


  1. wow i certainly could make a good use of this product but not sure if I know how!!! LOL

    the demo pix look fantastic. I will wait patiently for this to be released.

  2. Looks promising! Do you think this glue will affect the colour of eyeshadow on the lids? And do you apply eyeshadow first or this glue?

  3. Where can I find this?? I need one!

  4. wow! i really want to try this. i wonder if it's easy to use.

  5. Hi. I know that this is not related to this post, but I read that you've tried RMK gel emulsion foundation. I was just wondering if it contains any shimmer or sparks or something that is not suitable for guys? Also, you think 102 will match me if I'm an NC 35 for mac? thanks!!!!!

  6. There are many such products easily available in eg sasa stores or stores selling Japanese cosmetics. It's very easy to use once you've mastered the technique to work best for your eye shape. I'm using this type of product to balance out my double eye lids creases. Have to use this after eye makeup. After applying the glue wait a few seconds before using the given prong to set the crease.

  7. hi,
    The Kate Eyeline Fixer will be released only in May. Perhaps you can try checking then to see if they carry it.

    The glue is not supposed to affect the colour of eyeshadows. I'm not sure if the glue is supposed to be applied before eyeshadow.

    hi Philip,
    The Gel Emulsion Compact does not contain shimmer. I'm afraid I can't say is 102 is a match for NC35. I didn't like it as I found that it tends to emphasise the pores.

  8. gah : ( only releasing after i come back from jp!

  9. looks really interesting...wondering if it would be a challenge for my leechie butter ;p

  10. think the glue should be applied first? I reckon it wont be that sticky if it comes in contact with the shadows

  11. Philip, I've used RMK's foundations and I think 102 is more like MAC NC20. You might be 103 or even 104 at NC35. I'd try googling and see what other people have said about their colors.

  12. I have uneven double eyelid. One side is very obvious. The other is hidden within. Resulting in one big eye and one small eye look.This glue is a lifesaver. The glue is applied after applying eye shadows. It won't be sticky as it will stick your lids to form the crease you want. Once your skin where the crease is supposed to be is glued together, you should not see any trace of glue. It's very natural and easy to use once get the hang of it. My friends don't even know this best kept secret of mine.

  13. You guys might be interested in this video which demos the application process and result.

    Koji eye talk is available in Singapore's Watson. There are many other brands available in japan's drugstores. If any of you going japan, do not have to wait for kate's release which is still couple months away.
