Tuesday 1 March 2011

女人我最大 Live Make-over

StarHub TV’s E City and TVBS Asia will be jointly organising a Lady First LIVE Make-over (女人我最大之都会达人大改造), featuring celebrity host Pauline Lan (蓝心眉) and stylists Xiao Kai (小凱) and Xiao Man (小曼), who are well known for providing viewers with make-up and hair styling tips in Lady First/女人我最大 - the longest running lifestyle and fashion programme to be shown on TVBS Asia (StarHub TV Channel 828) / 无线卫星电视台 (星和视界第828频道) from Mondays to Fridays at 8pm.

The event will be held at the Atrium of 313@somerset on this Saturday, 5 March 2011 at 2pm. At the event, four lucky pre-selected StarHub TV subscribers will be given a ‘live’ make-over by Xiao Kai and Xiao Man, based on the theme ‘The Singapore Woman’. During the session, Xiao Kai and Xiao Man will share styling tips to help the contestants create a new look that is suited for the role that they portray and which is easy to maintain in our climate.

Although tickets are required for the seating area which is cordoned off, I understand from the organisers that members of the public will be able to watch the show by standing around the area. The date of telecast has not been determined yet.

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