Monday 6 June 2011

Shu Uemura Fall 2011 Novadiva

Shu Uemura will release its dance-inspired Fall 2011 makeup collection "Novadiva" on 1 August in Japan. It includes:

1. Palette: limited edition case that holds 4 eyeshadows. (1050yen)

2. Cream Cheek: soft amber shade that can be used on any skintone (2415yen; case sold separately)

3. Cream Shimmer Highlight (2415yen; case sold separately)

4. Rouge Unlimited Supreme (Matte): 3 shades (3150yen)

5. Shimmer Eyeliner: Smudge-proof eyeliner with a felt-type brush, in 1 shade. (2625yen)

6. Pressed Eyeshadow: 4 new shades (1890yen)

7. Lashes in Tutu Lace Flare: tulle lashes with gold glitter (2310yen)

8. Nail Color: 2 shades (1785yen, 10ml)

9. Depsea Hydrability Night Quench (6300yen, 30ml)

All items are limited edition except the Depsea Hydrability Night Quench and 6 of the Pressed Eyeshadows. Pics and info from Voce.


  1. ahh ! love shu! any news of their prices in sg? if they will be lowered?

  2. Hey Sarah,
    No news yet on the prices for Singapore, will keep you posted if I hear anything!

  3. Shu uemura is boring with their recent collections.
    Even if some past collections might look interesting but texture and pigmentation wise are disappointing. For sheer texture, I prefer RMK, definately not shu.

  4. That collection looks beautiful, especially in its departure in packaging. I've not seen black before, other than the empty palette. I would love to try the cream blush, and it breaks my heart that Shu, a brand I have been wearing for more than 10 years, is now so difficult to buy in the US.

  5. Shu Uemura! :) Love the cream cheek, the color looks super gorgeous! And the lace lashes are soooooo unique!
