Friday 1 July 2011

Lush Jingle Spells

This week, I've been on a mission to make a dent in my stash of Lush bath bombs, which I've been hoarding for far too long in my refrigerator. Lush baths are a true indulgence, and nothing feels better than soaking in the tub at the end of a long day and letting the aromas and hot water melt away all the accumulated stresses of the week.

Jingle Spells, from a past holiday collection, is a detoxifying bath ballistic infused with juniperberry, tangerine, fennel and ylang ylang oils.

Jingle Spells turned the water a vivid magenta pink. Just looking at it was an instant mood lifter. The scent was quite light and pleasant, nothing too obtrusive or cloying. Thanks to the essential oils, it left my skin feeling softer and more moisturised.

The liberal sprinkling of stars look cute at first but after feeling their sharp edges, I'd rather that they be left out.

Have you wished on a star lately? :-)


  1. I read about how you can put bath bombs into a stocking to prevent the stars/other sharp objects from floating around in the bath tub!

  2. Lol, the thing I am worrying about is actually those little stars clogging up the drain...
