Tuesday 25 October 2011

Anna Sui for Hush Puppies

The Anna Sui for Hush Puppies collection is now available at Isetan Scotts and Tangs Orchard! Priced from S$169 to S$199, the collection features casual retro styles in deep hues of purple, black, prune and a cobalt blue in Hush Puppies' signature soft suede.


  1. Wow, they really do sell the Mary Janes in Japan? I managed to miraculously buy the sample that was at the Anna Sui flagship boutique in New York City, but this model is not produced here. What a shame. Japan is so spoiled with Anna Sui, even more than her own home country!

  2. hi,
    This is at the Isetan in Singapore, not in Japan. I'm not sure if the Hush Puppies shoes are sold in Japan.

  3. Oh gosh so pretty!! I so want them! But the price.. >0<

  4. Miwitch, it's not that expensive considering they are Anna Sui! The shoes from her runway are usually 500$+.

    Haru, thanks for correcting me!

  5. ooo, thanks for the headup, im lemming for the last pair, very me!!!!
