Sunday 20 November 2011

Majolica Majorca Christmas Tree at Parco in Tokyo

A very kind reader, Emilie, just sent me these delightful pics of the Majolica Majorca Christmas tree currently on display outside Parco in Shibuya, Tokyo! She had also sent me pics of last year's Majolica Christmas tree, and I was immensely touched to receive these pics from her.

This year's snowy white and cool blue display will be lit up by Jane Birkin on 24 November and it will be at Parco until Christmas Day. It echoes the Cinderella theme of Majolica's "Glass Trick" winter collection.

According to Emilie, inside the structure is a webcam for taking snapshots of the visitors. The camera automatically adds a crown to the visitors' faces and they can then download the photos via QR code.

The Glass Trick collection has already started rolling out in Watsons stores in Singapore, including special gift sets containing the limited edition blue Lash Expander Frame Plus #12 with a pouch.

My heartfelt thanks to Emilie for this sweet holiday surprise!


  1. omg this is sooooooooooo beautiful! I wana be in japan now!

  2. I love how unashamedly princessy this is... LOVE.

    What a fun post!

  3. Glad you enjoyed it, BV! :-)

  4. How sweet of your reader to do this! What lovely photos. Thank you for sharing. :)

  5. Hi Haru,
    This is a bit off the topic here but I was wondering if you know whether the Tarina Tarantino Aurora collection will be available in Sephora SG?

  6. Hi Jiame,
    Nope, it is not available at Sephora in Singapore.
