Saturday 18 February 2012

Sleek Blush By 3

Sleek has just released five limited edition Blush By 3 palettes in Superdrug stores in the UK. Retailing at £9.99 for 20g, these look well-designed to suit a wide range of skintones. Best of all, it seems like most of the shades are brand new, instead of repeats from Sleek's permanent range. However, it's puzzling why Sleek has not chosen to make them available on their own website for international orders. They are also not available on the Superdrug website.

My husband found them in a Superdrug store but Lace (extreme left in photo below) was already sold out. Lace, along with Pumpkin (extreme right), were on my shopping list. Hopefully, if these do well enough, they will be made permanent.

See more pics and reviews on:

Makeup Obsessed Beauty

All That Slap

That Gurl

MakeupAlley and here


  1. I feel like sleek make amazing products...but then always mess up when it comes to availability! In Brighton the stand is hardly ever restocked...literally months will go by! I don't know why they do this, it's annoying and unprofessional :(

    Fingers crossed I can actually find these somewhere!

  2. I fully sympathize, have made the rounds of many Superdrug stores in London looking for the Oh So Special palette when it was released, only to find many displays with hardly any palettes at all.
