Wednesday 14 March 2012

Chanel Summer 2012

Chanel will release its summer makeup collection on 27 April in Japan. You can also view real-life pics on Kuri's Beauty Report.

The collection includes:

1. Soleil Teint Poudre Creative (7140yen): Nuancing powders in pink and peach variations. #907 Sable Beige and #917 Sable Rose

2. Joues Contraste #70 Tumult and #71 Malice (5575yen)

3. Rouge Coco Shine (3780yen): #437 Empreinte (elegant beige) and #447 En Vogue (candy coral)

4. Levres Scintillant #327 Sirocco (soft beige) and #337 Calypso (fresh orange) (3465yen)

5. Vernis #597 Island, #607 Delight and #617 Holiday

6. Ombre Contraste Duo #37 Sable Emouvant (5460yen)

7. Le Crayon Khol #75 Peche Cuivre (2940yen)

8. Le Crayon Yeux #47 Prune Intense (2940yen)

Info and pics from Voce and Maquia. Please note that the spelling of the French names may be different.


  1. I love the Soleil Teint Poudre Creative!

  2. The name of eyeshadow duo is Sable Emouvant. It is a play on word.
    "Emouvant" means "Touching/Mouvin". "Sable Mouvant" means "Quicksands".

    It's a bit weird from Chanel but well...

  3. Hi Sarah,
    Thanks for the tip! It was quite difficult to figure out the actual French word based on the phonetic names in Japanese.

  4. I doubt the US will get the 2 blushes :(

  5. @nicolle the us already has the 2 blushes( & :))

  6. very much liking the colours chanel has choosen for there summer collection can't wait to see them in person
