Sunday 1 April 2012

Floral Delights of the Spring

Thanks to an unusually warm spring, the flowers are in full bloom over here in Europe everywhere one looks.

Love this "furry" creature!

Primroses are particularly abundant over here, popping out in cheerful bunches randomly across the grass fields. These will now always make me think of the Hunger Games.

My favourite remains the ephemeral cherry blossoms with their delicate pale pink beauty. My mother, a horticulture enthusiast, actually waved goodbye to it when we left the park as the flowers will last a couple of weeks at the most.

Yesterday actually marked the 5th anniversary of Rouge Deluxe, and it feels amazing to have come so far. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read the blog. The past five years have been the best of my life. A big part of it is because of the friendships I've made through the blog, which I'll always treasure. I never imagined that I'd have the chance to do something that connects with so many people, and to be able to have had so much fun doing it. Thank you for reading and I hope you are enjoying a beautiful spring as well!


  1. Hi Iris.
    Happy 5th anniversary to rouge deluxe.
    Just to let u know, i love to read your blog, it becomes ritual to read it daily via email feed.
    In my opinion, its well written, sharing many useful info on make up, updates, bit of this and that.. Trully an informative beauty blog rather than some bloggers who only blog about those sponsored/press sample items almost on every post, lol.

    I found it very theurapatic to read all your ramblings :)
    Thank you.
    Cheers to rouge deluxe and many more years of more blogging

  2. Hi Haru, these flowers r nice! :) When I wake up to see these beautiful flowers, it really brighten my days~ thanks for sharing!

    Oh, 5 years of continuous updates for yr blog was not a easy job but u hv make it through! I just started to read yr blog 1 years+ ago & love to visit yr blog daily! Pls continue with this passion & hope it will be more & more anninversary marks down in yr blog!

  3. Congrats! Keep it coming =)

  4. Thank u too, for all the wonderful posts & honest opinions. U have been amazing, and I have been shamelessly enjoying your efforts. Sincere thanks! And to many more great years!!! ^^

  5. the flowers are beautiful! and congrats on the 5th year anniversary; and thank you for all your posts! :)

  6. as long as you keep writing
    i will, keep reading
    happy fifth birthday !!

  7. Hi Haru,

    Happy 5th anniversary and thanks for all your postings in your blog. Your blog is an everyday stop for me. Please keep your postings coming.:)

  8. Happy blog-versary and I have enjoyed reading your posts very much for the past few years :) I love the pictures of the spring flowers - nature's colors are always the best!

  9. Hi Haru

    Happy 5th Anniversary. I have truly enjoyed reading your postings. Each day before I go to sleep, I would check your latest postings eagerly as I unwind for the day. I truly appreciate your beautiful pictures and concise writing.

    Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures of flowers. I would have done the same thing your mum did. The Cherry blossoms are such beauties

  10. winterberry_gal1 April 2012 at 22:18

    Congrats to your anniversary!
    Keep it going!


    P.S. Love your cherry blossom photos!

  11. Love your blog. check back daily


  12. Happy 5th anniversary!!!!

  13. Love your pictures, look like postcards! What camera are you using?
    Wishing you many more years of blogging to come, have enjoyed reading your posts!

  14. Happy 5th blog anniversary. Thanks for the picture-laden and informative posts :)

  15. Hi Iris, Happy 5th anniversary on Rouge Deluxe! I (and I'm sure everyone of us) enjoy coming to your site and reading your constant updates no matter where you are in the world. Thank you for sharing with us this wonderful site you have built up (it's no simple task to commit to anything for 5 years, no less!)

  16. Hi Iris

    Please dont ever stop!! Since you renewed my interest in make-up!!

  17. Happy Blogversary! This 1/2 decade of Rouge Deluxe has been such a boon to beauty lovers worldwide. I still remember fondly how you started the Japanese makeup craze. Thank you for your generosity of spirit and for the constant stream of sneak peeks.

    *HUGS* to you and *patpat* to the bloggie!

  18. Congratulations on reaching the fifth anniversary of your wonderful and informative blog!
    May your love of writing never cease, for I'm sure your readers (both new and old) will keep coming back :-)
    Btw are you permanently based in Switzerland now?

  19. Oh and those are beautiful shots of spring blooms; thanks for making me smile with them. :)

  20. Happy 5th Anniversary! I actually started reading your blog in early 2009 and have been hooked ever since. You are truly an inspiration :)

    Hugs from a reader in Texas, Erica,

  21. Thanks for all the kind words, they mean a lot to me :-)

    I'm using a Canon Powershot SX210 but it's not that great as very often, it has trouble focusing even in the macro mode. The photos of the cherry blossoms were taken with my Samsung Galaxy SII phone while the rest were taken with the Powershot SX210.

    hi Luthien,
    Yup, I moved to Switzerland recently but it will be for just a few years.

  22. I'm late but Happy Happy Happy Blog Anniversary - I'm so so glad to have gotten to know you and i'll say it again, I miss seeing u!
    Love all the flower shots, especially the one just after Primrose! And the sakura, don't say - gorgeous!

  23. Thanks, Kas! It was a truly pleasant walk in the park, just enjoying all the beauties of nature. Hope to see you soon too :-)
