Wednesday 2 May 2012

Flowers for a friend.

As the magnolia blossoms fell from the trees this past weekend, a close family friend lost her battle with cancer. She was the most kindly neighbour we ever had, immensely gracious and much beloved. The good are always taken too early from us. Life can turn in such a whirl. No matter how busy you are, do take a moment to breathe in the beauty around you and hug the ones you love.

My own tiny backyard has transformed into a riot of random wildflowers reaching eagerly for the sun.

The dandelions also arrived, tossing their feathery wisps into the air.

Cheerful little fellow, this buttercup.

I'll miss you, Auntie Helen.


  1. aww huggies...that's so sad

  2. I'm very sorry about your friend. I also lost a friend several years ago to cancer so I understand your loss. Thanks for the beautiful flower picturesin her honor.

  3. I always love pink magnolias, and the term "steel magnolias" rings a bell in my mind. Take care and be strong!

  4. Aww.. My condolences. I totally agree that the good are always taken from us earlier. :(

  5. That's a beautiful pictures :)

  6. I'm sad to hear that another person has passed away from cancer. My thoughts go to her family during this time.

  7. Oh dear, so sorry to hear this; hope u all are coping well. This is such a beautiful dedication. Take care and *hugs*

  8. I'm so sorry for your loss.
    I just lost my beloved cat and only pet I ever had after almost 16 years. :(

  9. My condolences, it's not Emma is it?

  10. Thank you, it was not Emma.

  11. sorry for your loss, iris :(
