Saturday 26 May 2012

Friday Photo Meme - Non Makeup Edition aka Random Things Edition

It's Friday again so time for another meme with the wonderful Yumeko! This week's theme is completely non-makeup related.

1. Plushie/Toy

Elaine helped me to find this Sentimental Circus Master plushie recently at Isetan in Singapore.

The caped cutie is the 'baby' of the family. The largest one was a surprise present from my cousin.

2. Food/Snack/Meal

Currently craving frozen yogurt with lots of sinful toppings and Lola's mini cupcakes!

No. 3 was supposed to be stationery but I didn't have anything interesting to show so here's a look at what's occupying my bookshelves: three big stacks of Allure magazines dating back to 1998.

I usually discard magazines after some time as I move too often to lug them around but Allure has always been my favourite read. However, now that I have a subscription to the iPad edition, I no longer buy the physical copies.

4. Something you wear [clothes,shoes,accessories]

Recent acquisitions include these Melissa x Jason Wu shoes and accessories from Dorothy Perkins.

A French Connection necklace that is exclusive to ASOS.

5. Something Random

Around Easter, I was in the supermarket with my mother, who gleefully pounced on these two tchotchkes which had been marked down. I was pretty aghast initially but well, they grow on you after some time... really. (Plus one should not argue with a cancer survivor over things that make her happy.)

Hope you've enjoyed this edition! If you want to play, do leave a comment on Yumeko's post and here with a link to your blog post, and I'll be sure to check it out :-)


  1. Aw.. your sentimental circus plushies are so cute! Happy Family!

    I had decided to join the Meme fun too. :p Thanks for sharing!

  2. your plushie family of sentimental circus plushies is totally growing. love them! u are enabling me ! i kind want to get one too XD

    i didnt know you read allure magazine, this is something new i learnt abt u in the meme

    Also your last tibit on the easter thingys, i have new found loooooveeee for you. anyone who treats their mother well rates very highly in my books

  3. I love reading Allure too! My favorite part is the tear-out cards for beauty and fashion. Collected them for a few years, and used to have them stashed in a box.

  4. Hi Yumeko,
    When I was living in Tokyo, it was the one US magazine that I would still buy regularly, despite the jacked up price. I used to go to Tower Records in Shibuya every monthg just to buy it! I've been reading it virtually since it first launched, when they used the extra large magazine format before changing to the current one.
    Think I have enough Sentimental Circus plushies finally! But I love evry single one.
    The easter thingys have become a running joke in our family. In the supermarket, I kept badgering my mom in Chinese asking why she needs a rooster! And she replied, "I like it!" :)

    Hi Elaine,
    Glad to see you joining in!

  5. Thanks, I saw the lucky dip poster on a friend's twitter!

  6. I saw Yumeko's post and did the photo meme too.. love yours too!

    Here's mine:
