Sunday 1 July 2012

Majolica Majorca Jewelling Eyes Lavender Sugar and Candy Apple

Here are more pics of the Majolica Majorca limited edition Jewelling Eyes palettes (1575yen) in #66 Lavender Sugar and #77 Ringoame (Candy Apple) due out on 21 July in Japan. The UNI Style Fit pens (for the Psychedelicious collection) recently also arrived at Kinokuniya in Singapore, so don't miss out on those if you're a Majolica fan!


  1. The colours look so sweet! :D But I'm mainly waiting for the LE puff de cheek to be released here in Malaysia.

  2. hi LauraLeia,
    My friend just helped me purchase the two LE puff de cheeks, they look pretty good!

  3. The Candy Apple looks gorgeous can't wait for it.
    Red is so rare in palletes.

  4. Hi Haru, thanks for the info on the style fit pens! I got all of them (except for the black colour) just now, so excited:)

  5. The new puff de cheeks are LE? I found on the website the two colors are new additions and not LE so I skipped.
