Friday 6 July 2012

Three Fantastic Voyage for Fall 2012

Thanks to the marvellous Kate over at Drivel about Frivol, Three is on my list of Japan-exclusive brands to check out on my next trip to Japan. Created by makeup artist, Rie Omoto, Three's beauty philosophy is centred around nature with the use of organic ingredients. Their Fantastic Voyage collection for fall will be released on 22 August. It looks promising, judging by the pics on Kuri's Beauty Report.

Glam Touch Lip Gloss: 31 Primitive Heart, 32 Delicious Tension, 33 Precious Possession and 34 Hint of Suspicion (2940yen)

Shimmering Color Veil: Loose pigment powder in 11 new shades (3675yen)

Sub Tone Defining Eye Pencil: 5 shades (2310yen)


  1. I'm really interested in this line after seeing Drivol about Frivol's post also! Please post swatches if you get a chance to visit the counter when you're in Tokyo next (I have literally never been giving eyeliner lemmings so badly before!).

  2. Thank you for the link <3

    These look wonderful -- I don't think any of the new shades look unique enough to justify but I'll be stealing their pencil+pigment ideas as usual :)

  3. I passed by a THREE counter the last time I was in Tokyo in spring this year, but I didn't go over bec I haven't read any reviews from you, Iris! Also there aren't many reviews about the brand's products (in English, I mean). The price point didn't help, too, and I didn't want to make an expensive mistake!

    Looking forward to what you think of the products (once you get to try them) as we have the same skintype (oily, open pores). :)

  4. hi Maya,
    Three's prices do look prohibitively expensive, so I'll probably just swatch them and see how it goes.
