Saturday 5 April 2014

Time for Spring

This spring, we discovered a pretty row of small cherry blossom trees in our neighbourhood. Nothing as majestic as those in Tokyo but still, it felt magical just standing under these while a light rain of pink sakura petals drifted down around us.

We had no luck with growing snowdrops again this year in our garden but the hyacinths turned out well.

Purple hyacinths in the park.

One of my favourites from our garden are these delicate grape hyacinths in the most delicious bluish purple.

Colorful primroses from our garden.

Baby daffodils

In a corner of the common yard behind our house stands this magnolia tree. Like the cherry blossoms, these bloom just once a year at the start of spring and are gone all too quickly. The ground is already covered with its voluptuous petals.

Azaleas in various shades of pink.

My little one who is growing up so fast.


  1. Beautiful garden! I wish I had such a green thumb!

  2. Awww, the baby picture is so adorable! (I also like the one on instagram, which I think was a little different?) The rest of the shots are great as well, they all look like stock photos!

  3. what a joy to be surrounded by gorgeous nature. Such beautiful flowers, I can just imagine the heady scent. Your little guy is uber cute. Those plump cheeks.

  4. My goodness he's ALL cheeks!!!! precious!

  5. Your little one is adorable!
