Wednesday 21 December 2016

Suqqu Spring 2017

Suqqu is another brand looking to bust wallets with its whopper of a Spring 2017 collection debuting on 20 January in Japan. The collection is inspired by Japanese flowers and features a new line of Designing Color Eyes palettes. Pics below by UrCosme Facebook.

Pure Color Blush (2 permanent and 1 LE). The peach and orange-toned #101 Kasaneyamabuki 重山吹 (extreme left in the pic below) is the limited edition shade. In the middle is #7 Tsuyasatsuki 艶皐月 and on the right is #6 Harusumire 春菫).

Designing Color Eyes (6800yen, 5 permanent and 1 LE). The net weight of the eyeshadows is 5.6g, up from the 4.2g of the current Blend Color Eyeshadow quads.

From left to right below: #1 優芍薬 Yuushakuyaku, #2 光橙花 Hikaritouka (inspired by peonies) and #3 紅雅 Benimiyabi (inspired by camellia). See swatches of #2 on Cosme log and #3 on Sharonlulala.

From left to right below: #4 絢撫子 Ayanadeshiko (inspired by carnations), #5 蒼雫 Aoshizuku (inspired by hydrangeas) and #101 純桜色 Sumizakurairo (LE, inspired by sakura). See swatches of #4 on Beanduck108.

Extra Glow Lipstick (3 permanent shades and 2 LE, 3000yen)

Swatched from top to bottom in the pic below: #11 Hanautsugi 華卯木, #12 Yuridaidai 百合橙, #13 Saeazami 冴薊, #101 Sumimomo 澄桃 (LE) and #102 Sumibara 澄薔薇 (LE)

Nail Color R (2500yen, 3 LE shades). 101 石楠花 Shakunage (light pink), 102 木香薔薇 Mokkoubara (mod pink) and 103 星見草 Hoshimigusa (urban green).

Suqqu will also release a new Lucent Powder Foundation (5500yen for refill, 1500yen for case) in 7 shades and a Refining Primer (6000yen) on 3 March. Pic below by Cazuco.

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