Sunday, 16 January 2011

Esprique Brand Revamp

According to 2Channel, Esprique Precious will be revamped as simply "Esprique" in March. The first products to be launched in March are for eyes, lips and cheeks, with foundations to follow in April. The new Esprique will have black packaging and lower prices than Esprique Precious, which was launched in December 2006 with Gemma Ward as the spokesmodel.


  1. I love the brand's cosmetics. You've mentioned that the packaging, brand name, and price will change, but I hope the quality of the products won't. =( Naming it "Esprique" does make it sound a little grown-up though, which is kind of nice.

  2. The brand was originally called Esprique, before it was changed to Esprique Precious! So it's going back to its roots, but I'm sure the quality will be stay the same.
