Saturday 27 June 2009

Robinsons Expo Sale Haul

Tempted by news of Lunasol quads going for S$35, I ventured to the Robinsons sale at the Expo today with my boyfriend in tow. My buddy, Mag from had already helped me pick up the Sheer Contrast Eyes #3 Green Coral and Noble Shade Eyes #4 and #5 palettes yesterday. It was quite a pleasant shopping experience as there weren't any crowds around the makeup stalls, which meant the SAs were relaxed and I could browse at ease.

After picking up some more Lunasol quads and a Coffret D'Or Combient Rouge as a CP for a friend, I stopped by the Givenchy counter where most items were going for 50% off. I was suprised to find the Phenomen'eyes mascara on sale at only $30 as it was launched in Singapore just a few months ago. In the end, I ended up hauling it, plus a few other items.

Although I already have a truckload of face highlighter/shimmer powders, the delicate lace design on the cover of the Prisme Libre #71 Sparkling Dentelle ($38) proved irresistible.

I also got these Prisme Again! blushes in #2 Loving Pink, #4 Charming Violet and #6 Red Passion ($20 each). They were only available in refill form, which I did not mind as I can easily insert them into another empty compact.

Lunasol nail polishes #26 Shining Pink and #28 Splash Green. Another steal at only $10 each!

At a flea market in Playground @ Big Splash in East Coast Park, I also picked up these cute little Belle Maison handphone accessories for $9.90 each. The pink cardboard and white lace is the packaging, and not part of the accessory.


  1. ah! I was at expo but I didnt know about this :( Really felt like crying ah!

  2. WOW awesome haul!!
    I am so jealous! Why do all the Singaporeans get the cool expo sales? Why not in Japan too!?? T_T I think the Givenchy palette design is also really cute, nice choice :)

  3. Wow! nice haul. I love the Lunasol palettes!

  4. Local Isetan called me about Lunasol's warehouse sale but I didn't go. I wanted to but I was so tied up with my house project those few days that I just had to forced that out of my mind. I never really had luck at sales.

    i love your haul, though I probably wouldn't go for that blush quad as I had one before and hated it. But then again, people told me its formula's changed.

  5. Hi Iris!
    Wow, what a great haul! x_x
    I'm recently totally devoted to Lunasol makeup. Would you maybe take some pictures of your Lunasol palettes? I'd love to see them, hehe... ;)

    Btw, AhCapp from poupeegirl mentioned your blog!


  6. WOW - what a fantastic haul! The Givenchy palettes and shimmer powder look so pretty!

  7. Hey JacQlin,

    So sorry to hear that you missed this! The Givenchy counter was right next to the Kanebo (Coffret D'Or/Lunasol) counter, in the middle of the hall near the entrance. For me, it was a very worthwhile trip and same for my boyfriend who bought 10 books @ $7 each at the MPH sale at the Expo.

    Hi Beauty Snap,
    I think beauty sales are an extreme rarity in Japan but I think if given a choice, most people would choose makeup shopping in Japan over Singapore due to the sheer variety of brands in Japan! I know I definitely miss it a lot!

    Hey Jess,
    Sure, I'll take pics after my friend has passed them to me later today :-) AhCapp is the friend that I CP'd the Lunasol and Coffret D'Or stuff for! Small world, isn't it?

    Hey Jojoba,
    I can never resist sales, and I always end up hauling a truckload of stuff. Makeup is so much more fun than house renovation stuff ;-p

    Hi amynaree,
    I'm a big fan of Lunasol's palettes too, use them at least once a week!

  8. *wishes she were on a plane to S'pore now*

  9. ahhh i'm jealous!!! i'd love to see swatches!

  10. OMG love love love Givenchy blush. If you have blog sale pls tell me. hehehe

  11. I got 2 lunasol quad today + coffret lipsticks & eyeliners..How many items from Lunasol did you get?

  12. Thank you for the tip-off! I hurried down today and managed to nab myself some goodies.

  13. What a haul! Very impressive--lucky Singaporeans!

  14. Hi Iris, what a neat haul! How do the Givenchy Prism blushes compare to the JS ones??

  15. awww thats cute phone acc !

  16. You're so lucky!!!! Lunasol Quad?!?!

