Friday 26 June 2009

Shu Uemura Tokyo Kamon Girls

Shu Uemura held its Tokyo Kamon Girls launch party at Robinsons in Raffles City today. There was the usual makeup demonstration with prizes. But unlike other brands which present you with the door gift when you register upon arrival, the Shu staff gave the guests a sticker to be exchanged for the door gift. After the makeup show ended about 1 hour into the event, I asked the staff when we could collect the door gift and he replied, "Just give us a moment... at about 8pm". I looked at my watch and it was only 7pm! So I asked him, "You mean another hour later?" and he replied, "Yeah". Since I'm not THAT desperate for a door gift, I left but first I took some photos of the displays :-)

Macaroons from Bakerzin!


  1. You are so lucky to be able to go to events like that! And those macaroons!

  2. I was at the party too! (:

    Aww, sorry you didn't get the door gift. The SA I asked gave it to me before 8pm though.


  3. Hey eclecticsatire,
    I just saw the pic of your haul on Cozycot :-) I'd probably buy the collection at Tangs which has a higher rebate, plus it was so crowded at the Robinsons counter, I didn't feel like shopping yesterday. I was expecting the door gift to be cleansing oil samples so that wasn't exciting enough for me to stick around for another hour.

  4. is the mu case the gift with purchase?

  5. Nope, the makeup case costs a whopping S$530!

  6. hi, would like to find out how much is the portable brush set =)

  7. Hi,
    I believe it's S$125. Quite a rip-off as the usual portable set without the Kamon Girls print is about S$80+.
