Sunday 11 October 2009

Eco Tools & Majolica @ Watsons

The Eco-Tools display in Watsons Ngee Ann City is much more well-stocked now with several different brush packs and manicure tools. I was tempted to get the brush set with the small kabuki (top right corner) but am still holding out for a possible discount during one of Watsons sales.

Also on display is the Majolica Majorca Dollhouse where shoppers get to vote for their favourite collection.


  1. Oh I like the doll house stuff! pretty! I wish we had Eco Tools too. I've only read rave so far.

  2. hey haru! I saw eco tools at watsons some time ago and bought their eye shader brush. works super well... their packaging is so cute too

  3. I found eco tools here, but damn they are EXPENSIVE!
    The 5 brushes set costs 30$ here, it makes me sick... :(

  4. OH WOW - what an awesome display of EcoTools!!! I am so sad because here we only have random smatterings at random stores. =/

  5. I was tempted to get the foundation & eyeshadow brushes too. Like, you I am waiting for Watsons sales.

  6. Hi,
    the kabuki set you were talking about; do you remember how much it was pls? thanks

  7. hi, it was S$29.90. These sets are twice what they cost in the US.

  8. Haru dear

    i actually bought the Eco tools from CVS supermarket (?!) in USA haha, i added new item at the checkout while my original idea is just to buy water back to hotel..

    my review is i don't really quite like the eco eye's too soft to pick up the color well and i felt like a bit weak

    did you get the seventeen magazine with the cute Cecil mcbee tote? :) i saw from the net it's so cute and it's swiped out in just 2 days. hope you grab this beautiful GWP :) of course i hope my favorite blogger got it :)))) though i felt with a broken heart..never mind..can save some money also haha

  9. Hey Pinky,
    I did see the Seventeen magazine with the Cecil McBee tote at Kino last week but wasn't attracted by it. Think I've just bought too many Japanese magazines over the past few months, am actually feeling fatigued!

  10. seriously teh ecotools is very expensive at watsons.i recall it was double the price !
    u can buy from ,the shippign is cheap and u can use the rest of the money to get something else
