Sunday 22 August 2010

Sweet x Anna Sui

Thanks to a kind friend, I was able to get the September issue of Sweet magazine (S$19.90) which comes with an Anna Sui mini tote bag and pouch. The Kinokuniya stores in Singapore brought in two shipments of this magazine. The first shipment arrived on 11 August and the second on Wednesday earlier this week.

The Ngee Ann City store got about 250 copies in its second shipment but when I dropped by on Saturday afternoon, it was completely sold out again. Just amazing, isn't it? The Urban article in Straits Times a few months ago is probably one of the key reasons for greater customer awareness in Singapore about these Japanese magazine freebies. Another is probably good old word-of-mouth as you see many people buying for friends and relatives.

Sweet, which has a circulation of more than 1 million, last collaborated with Anna Sui for their October 2009 issue which came with a multi-case that proved to be very popular.

The tote bag and pouch are also similarly well made. The mini tote is made of a shiny PVC enamel sprinkled through with silver glitter while the pouch is made of polyester.

The print of the pouch is designer Anna Sui's personal favourite for this season.

The mini tote with four Body Shop 250ml bottles inside.

I'm not sure if Kinokuniya will bring in another shipment although there is usually a separate sea shipment. Do check with the stores directly if you would like to know if/when there will be another shipment. (Edited to add: The sea shipment will arrive on 30 August. Don't miss this chance!)


  1. I love the bag+pouch!managed to buy it on Friday night.there were at least 30mags left.I went back on sat with my Fren and it was all sold Fren was really disappointed!

  2. The bag is wonderful! Much nicer than the Anna Sui Mini Mook for Spring-Summer 2010. I got my friend in Japan to pick it up for me as I didn't think I could get it in Singapore (I seldom go down to town, gotta work on weekdays), and she had to hunt around 3 conbinis before she finally found a copy available too. haha.
