Sunday 20 February 2011

Cath Kidston in Oxford

To my surprise, there was a Cath Kidston store in Oxford so naturally, we had to visit it! This is actually the first free-standing Cath Kidston store that I've visited, not counting the counters within Selfridges in London and in Daimaru in Osaka.

It was lovely to finally be able to see the full range of Cath Kidston accessories, everything from bags and stationery to home furnishings and kitchenware.

I picked up an assortment of kitchen towels and handkerchieves for my mother plus a couple of laundry bags that would be perfect for travel.

My favourite was this pair of room socks with padded soles.

In other gift shops, there was a plethora of William-and-Kate merchandise, in anticipation of the royal wedding on 29 April.


  1. Lovely! Are the prices of CK much cheaper in UK than in S'pore? Enjoy your stay in London and look forward to seeing more pictures. Cheers!

  2. They should be! I've never been to the Tatty Marsh store in Tanglin Mall, which is the exclusive retailer of Cath Kidston products in Singapore, so I'm not familiar with their prices. The prices in the UK are the lowest as it is a British brand. Their prices in Japan are almost double by comparison so many Japanese ladies buy tons of Cath Kidston when they visit the UK.

  3. Hi Haru! Which part of Oxford where Cath Kidston is? :)

  4. Hi Iris

    This post reminds me of the time I came across the Cath Kidston store in Covent Garden. Of course I entered it and spent almost an hour there although the shop wasn't very big. Came away with only an Iphone case and a passport holder, although it was so hard to resist the rest of the items!

  5. Cath Kidston has a store in Biscester Village, I only buy things there whenever I need to head back to Oxford.
