Sunday 20 February 2011

Oxford Covered Market

While in Oxford, we also took a walk through the Covered Market which is just off the High Street.

Fancy a milkshake from Moo-moo's? :-)

Glad to see that Brothers is still here. I used to love their baguettes!

The butchery in the middle of the market. You can't miss the smell!

I've never seen green irises before!

I brought my brother and sister-in-law to Georgina's, a cosy cafe on the second floor that is popular with the locals. It still has the same red interior with the ceiling plastered with posters.

The perfect antidote to a winter day: hot chocolate with marshmallows!

More comfort food in the form of nachos and spicy spud (potato) skins!


  1. I've never seen green irises before either!

    Your food looks so yummy!


  2. Hi Kat,
    Yes, it was delicious and just right for a cold day! We polished both off in no time at all!

    hi birkinbagbeauty,
    The nachos were awesome!
