Monday 25 July 2011

Roman Baths of Bath

Spent a leisurely sunshine-filled weekend in Bath, which is famous for the Roman Baths dating back to 60-70 AD.

These are the only natural hot water springs in the UK.

Statues of Roman Emperors and Governors, including Julius Ceasar, overlooking the bath. These were erected in the 19th century. In the background are the Gothic spires of Bath Abbey.

In the summmer, the Roman Baths are open till 10pm. It's much better to visit in the evening after the crowds have thinned and the Roman Baths are lit by fire torches.

More views of Bath Abbey.


  1. did u visit Stonehenge? splendid!

  2. Not on this trip but I already visited Stonehenge many years ago. It was nice but not something I'd go out of my way to visit again.

  3. So envious! Reminds me of my UK trip back in Oct 2010 but I only managed London. Are you on business or leisure? :)

  4. Hi there, i'm sorry to write about other thing but anyone notice what happened with Jojoba from
    The account was deleted =/ i hope shes fine. i miss her reviews ><
    Anyone knows something?

  5. In the 4 years that I lived in London, never once I made it out to Bath. Ridiculous isn't it? Even when we were there for a visit two years ago, we didn't get to Bath!

  6. I don't know what happened to Jojoba's blog, that's strange but I hope she is alright.

    hi cewek,
    You should definitely visit Bath som day, it's lovely!

  7. Hi, Iris, Thanks so much for sharing your lovely travel pic!
