Monday 25 July 2011

Summer Blooms in Bath

Overlooking the River Avon and just a stone's throw from the heart of Bath, the Parade Gardens were the perfect spot to enjoy the sunshine and get away from the tourist crowds.

More delightful blooms from the streets of Bath.

Ending off with my favourite hydrangeas!


  1. I am so glad you went to Bath! You picked the perfect time of year when everything is in bloom!

    See you Thursday!

  2. Oh gosh, they are so BEAUTIFUL!

  3. This brings back great memories of my trip in '10 when I popped by Bath briefly. It looks even more lush than it did when I was there (early June and still a little chilly)!

  4. Iris,
    Its so beautiful.
    Thx for sharing, hope i have chance to visit bath.
    As for now, just be contented by seeing these pretty pics.
    The garden so green, feel like laying down on the grass :)
