Wednesday 19 October 2011

Estee Lauder Jeweled Pink Ribbon for Breast Cancer Awareness

This year, Estee Lauder has released a pink crystal-studded pin to help raise awareness of breast cancer. The new pin includes a blue crystal to symbolise the 1% of men who are affected by this disease.

As the entire proceeds of the pin will go to charities working on breast cancer, I did not hesitate to pick one up at Galeries Lafeyette yesterday in Nice.

The pin is still available on (USA) for US$12.50, but it has already sold out on the UK website. I don't think it is available at the EL counters in Singapore though.

My pal Kas is running a BCA giveaway with 6 sets of gifts on her blog Shine, Shimmer and Sparkle. It is open to international readers so do check it out! As she is also doing a Project Pink Ribbon to collect photos of women wearing the pink ribbon, I snapped a couple of quick photos by the beach in Nice with a ribbon from the EL counter. October has been unusually warm here in the Cote D'Azur so there were still plenty of people basking in the sunshine over the weekend.

Do also check out Makeup & Beauty Blog's BCA Sign Project and giveaway with an epic prize worth over US$1100.


  1. I'm still gawking at the marvelous scenery in ur ribbon shots! Thanks sooo much for sending me the pics and for the shout-out in your entry! *mwah mwah*

  2. More details about your trip abroad please! Work, pleasure, etc.? The background is beautiful.
