Tuesday 18 October 2011

Kinokuniya 20% Members Sale

Kinokuniya is offering a 20% storewide discount for members again from 21-23 October (with 10% off stationery items). Details in the e-mailer below.


  1. Hello!
    I've been following for a couple weeks your blog and I find it pretty interesting because of your make up and products reviews.
    I'm 32 and I work at an government office and you feature lovely stuff that most of the time I can get a hold of, but it's really inspiring!
    Sometimes you post about freebies on fashion/beauty magazines that help me preordering them.
    I'd like to ask if you know a service/website that can ship local magazines overseas.
    I live in Mexico and I just read that an english version of Ray magazine has launched for Malaysia and Singapore, and I'd like to buy it, even when the contents are month behind the japanese release.
    Hope you can orient me.
    Thank you very much and greetings from Mexico!


  2. Hi Maye,
    Thanks for reading the blog! I'm afraid I don't know of a website selling magazines from Singapore to overseas. There is Yesasia.com and Amazon Japan if you are interested in Japanese magazines.

  3. Too bad then. :(
    Even when I'm studying japanese, I'm only on my first year, so I was hoping to get a hold of this english version.

    Thank you very much anyway!
