Thursday 1 March 2012

Paul & Joe and Ladurée Summer 2012

The Maquia editor just tweeted these lovely pics of Paul & Joe's summer collection, which will be released on 1 May in Japan! Inspired by a Midsummer Night's Dream, the products come in a cool mint packaging and feature vivid hues for summer.

Following its successful debut in Tokyo on 29 January, Ladurée will next release these eyeshadow palettes and lip balms on 2 May in Japan. The collection has a summer afternoon picnic theme.

Both Paul & Joe and Ladurée are made by Albion in Japan.


  1. Paul & Joe summer collection is soo pretty!!
    it's such a pity they're pulling out of Singapore.. :(

  2. !!! Paul & Joe is pulling out of Singapore? Oh no!

    The summer collection is so pretty! I can't even bear to start using my cheek blush stick with the cat head >.<

  3. hi Yuan Yuan,
    I heard that rumour too, not sure if it has been confirmed. That would be such a great pity. I guess people will have to order from in the future but Asos never has the cute gifts with purchase, so that would be what I'd miss the most.

  4. Hi Iris I will b going to HK for a short holiday. Wat beauty buys do u recommend in HK n at e airport? Tks Casey

  5. I love Paul & Joe things and I'm 100% in love with the Laduree collection, I really, really hope they bring it out in Europe soon.

  6. hi Casey,
    I haven't been to HK in more than 20 years so I'm not familiar with the shopping scene although I know you can find many Japanese brands there at prices lower than Japan, like Shu Uemura and Jill Stuart. Hope you have fun there!

  7. The collections look very cute! I hope that Laduree make up launches in the UK. You can buy their bath goods in London, so here's hoping!

  8. The green lip gloss will be mine! (And maybe the cool pink blush...since I like their blush formula).

  9. Yes. It's cfm they are pulling out of sg this month. Wat a pity!

  10. :(:(:( it will be so difficult to get colour-matched for their foundations and to check out how the lip colours look if they pulled out of SG... really saddening!

    wonder if Albion is doing so in a bid to introduce another line from their brand (like Laduree?). :(

  11. it's sad that P&J is pulling our of Sin, I just grabbed the Spring Collection from Taka counter yesterday and SA said they will only be around until of Mar :(

  12. Hi,

    So sad P&J is pulling out. I find the beauty scene in S'pore is so behind Hkg or Taiwan. I have been sooo waiting for Jill Stuart, Visee, Lavschuca and other continental brands like NARS, Tarte, etc..
