Beaute de Kose will release a Fantasist Collection (5250yen) on 1 June in Japan. The kit contains two Eye Fantasists in GR755 and BR357, Rouge Fantasist Aqua Vinyl OR281, Face Colour F and a solid perfume, all lovingly packaged in a floral print box. The theme of the collection is "Flower & Light".

Pics and info from FANet.

Pics and info from FANet.
This is definetly something to look forward too as I intend to buy eyeshadows in cream form & the current blusher I'm using is finishing soon.
The green shade looks lovely - like seafoam or the colour of mint-chocolate-chip ice cream! I think I am maxed out on eyeshadow right now though, so I justify makeup purchases by buying lipstick or blush instead ;). Do you use a lot of cream/liquid shadows? I like them, but I rarely (almost never) wear them alone - I like them as bases for powder shadows.
hey Justine,
I usually use powder eyeshadows 95% of the time but recently, I've been using the Beaute de Kose Eye Fantasists from the coffret that I picked up on my recent Tokyo trip. I use the shimmery baby pink as the base, and then layer powder eyeshadows over it. I love the pretty shimmer in the Eye Fantasists! I also have quite a few Jill Stuart Eye Jellies but they are starting to dry out so I may have to toss them in a few months...sigh.
hi haru
is the box of cardboard or laminated cardboard or plastic material?
i have yet to use my xmas 09 eye fantasists. the colors are so pretty to use.
Looks good!
Haru, do u know where we are ale to get this (in Singapore)? Not sure if BdK brings it in anymore... which online site do u recommend to get this?
hey shopaholic,
I've been using the Eye Fantasists from the Xmas coffret almost every day! I use the light pink one the most frequently, as a base for powder eyeshadows. The box looks like it's made of cardboard/paper. There's no description of it in the FANet article.
hi naturefall,
I doubt that the Kose counters in Singapore will get this set because they have stopped bringing in the new collections for Beaute de Kose since sometime last year. So the only way to get this summer set is either to order online or ask a friend to help you buy from countries that still have BdK, like Japan, Taiwan etc. I'm pretty sure will be able to get this set, so you can email them to ask if they can help you get it. But Ichibankao tends to be a bit expensive, although shipping is fast and reliable.
Hi Haru,
I love the eye fantasist very much (a pity it has been discontinued) and the green shade in this collection is lovely and a must-have for me. I just found out that is selling the Summer Fantasist Collection for 6,700Yen (abt SGD$100). Now, I am reasoning with myself; to get it or not ;)Please help me!
hi Pearl,
If you like all the shades in the coffret, then I would say go for it because the price by Ichibankao includes shipping (but you have to pay extra if you want registered or EMS shipping). It works out to be $20 per item, so it's not cheap but it's not ridiculously expensive either.
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