Today being the last day of 2014, I wanted to thank everyone still reading Rouge Deluxe for taking the time to stop by even though I no longer blog as frequently as before having my baby. With my son getting more hyperactive each day, something had to give, which meant that I simply did not have the time to write product reviews anymore as swatching, taking and editing photos were all too time-consuming. Time that I would rather spend with him, as these precious sweet baby months do fly by in the blink of an eye. I still try to post updates on upcoming collections as that's what most are interested in but the reality is that I only check in here only about once a week.
It's been an eventful year filled with lots of memorable adventures, including our first trip with the baby to Mykonos, Greece, and two trips to the UK to visit family. We have just moved back to Singapore for awhile and will be relocating to Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, in a few months' time. In the meantime, I'm enjoying being back home for now (3 years away means a lot of local cuisine to eat our way through) and exploring all the water playgrounds with my toddler. I haven't written about him as I didn't want to turn this into a mummy blog. I never expected to be a mother and put it off for a long time but now that he's here, every day is a day that I'm truly grateful for, filled with his cheeky smiles, excited babbling and deliciously warm chubby hugs.
Oct '13 - Arrival of the little one at last!

Nov '13 - We stayed at home the whole of his first month until his first appointment with the pediatrician. Although he was an average weight at birth (3.3kg), he managed to pack on more than 1kg in that first month. Since then, he was always solidly on the 95th percentile in terms of weight for his age.

Dec '13 - Out for a walk by Lake Geneva.

Jan '14 - Bundling up for his first winter!

Feb '14

Mar '14 - Enjoying the first blooms of spring in Geneva

Apr '14 - At the tulip festival in Morges

May '14 - Iris garden at the Castle of Vullierens

Jun '14

Jul '14

Aug '14 - in red and white for our National Day

Sep '14 - Visited his baby cousin in the UK

Oct '14 - Celebrated his first birthday

Nov '14 - Visited his baby cousin again in the UK and moved out of Switzerland.

Dec '14 - Back in Singapore for the first time since he was born and getting excited by all the Christmas trees.

So this was my year. I hope that yours was a good one too and that 2015 will be even better!
It's been an eventful year filled with lots of memorable adventures, including our first trip with the baby to Mykonos, Greece, and two trips to the UK to visit family. We have just moved back to Singapore for awhile and will be relocating to Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, in a few months' time. In the meantime, I'm enjoying being back home for now (3 years away means a lot of local cuisine to eat our way through) and exploring all the water playgrounds with my toddler. I haven't written about him as I didn't want to turn this into a mummy blog. I never expected to be a mother and put it off for a long time but now that he's here, every day is a day that I'm truly grateful for, filled with his cheeky smiles, excited babbling and deliciously warm chubby hugs.
Oct '13 - Arrival of the little one at last!

Nov '13 - We stayed at home the whole of his first month until his first appointment with the pediatrician. Although he was an average weight at birth (3.3kg), he managed to pack on more than 1kg in that first month. Since then, he was always solidly on the 95th percentile in terms of weight for his age.

Dec '13 - Out for a walk by Lake Geneva.

Jan '14 - Bundling up for his first winter!

Feb '14

Mar '14 - Enjoying the first blooms of spring in Geneva

Apr '14 - At the tulip festival in Morges

May '14 - Iris garden at the Castle of Vullierens

Jun '14

Jul '14

Aug '14 - in red and white for our National Day

Sep '14 - Visited his baby cousin in the UK

Oct '14 - Celebrated his first birthday

Nov '14 - Visited his baby cousin again in the UK and moved out of Switzerland.

Dec '14 - Back in Singapore for the first time since he was born and getting excited by all the Christmas trees.

So this was my year. I hope that yours was a good one too and that 2015 will be even better!